Our Services

CLA has four NDIS teams:
1. Support Coordination
Specialist Support Coordination (Level 3) and Support Coordination (Level 2) services.
2. Plan Management
Provided by a qualified accountant.
3. Community Living Program
Core & Capacity Building Supports provided by qualified Social Workers and Human Services practitioners
Complex Support Needs, Parenting & Relationships, and Mental Health Counselling

The ARROS team currently has four programs of support:
1. Outreach support
Individual, holistic support for young people with an intellectual or cognitive disability
2. ARROS Place
Group work for young people with intellectual disability with Child Safety or Youth Justice engagement.
3. Counselling and Therapy
Available through NDIS funding or Medicare Better Access plans.
4. Parenting for people with an Intellectual Disability
Available through NDIS funding

BEROS is a partnership between Community Living Association and Micah Projects Inc to provide service to young people 12 - 18 years who are in the care of Department of Child Safety, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs who are identified as self-placing (which may include sleeping rough) in the Brisbane, Lower North Coast and Sunshine Coast districts.
Community Connections

Community Connections works with young people to address issues affecting their ability to stay at school or home and where appropriate, offers support to their families, caregivers and friends. The team also works with schools in Brisbane’s northeast, providing specialised and integrated consultancy services.
CLA in 2021-22
Latest Posts
CLA’s Position on the Voice to Parliament
CLA Inc. supports voting ‘yes’ in the 2023 referendum. We support the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution through a Voice to Parliament. We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and it’s recommendations of Voice, Treaty, Truth. While we support voting ‘yes’, every person has a right toRead More -
Positions Available – June 2022
ARROS - Outreach Worker (Social Worker or similar) Are you passionate about working alongside young people at risk of homelessness, to create real change in their lives and the wider community? The ARROS team is offering the opportunity for a creative, flexible, and passionate practitioner to join our team of committed social and human servicesRead More -
It’s RAFFLE time!
The excellent CLA ARROS team want your help to raise money to modify our shed into a multi-purpose, trauma-informed space that is safe and accessible for young people and constituents. Click here to view our prize packs and ticket prices To win one of the fabulous prizes head to https://www.rafflelink.com.au/claraffle and purchase your tickets.Read More